
Content Author: Mr. Friedrichs

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Problem Type 1

Convert mol of A (known) into mol of B (unknown)


Introduction to Problem Type 1 (0:34)

Type 1 (1:29)

Type 1 problems require only 1 step to solve.


Problem Type 2

Convert mol of A (known) to grams of B (unknown)

Introduction to Problem Type 2 (0:34)

Type 2 (1:45)

This type of problem requires only 2 steps to solve.


Problem Type 3

Convert grams of A to mols of B

Introduction to Problem Type 3 (0:26)

Type 3 (1:58)

This type of problem requires only 2 steps to solve. It is just like problem type 2,
except the steps are performed in the opposite order.


Problem Type 4

Convert grams of A to grams of B

This is the most common type of stoichiometry problem that you will encounter.

Introduction to Problem Type 4 (0:28)

Type 4 (2:16)

This type of problem takes 3 steps to solve. You will combine together some of the earlier steps, but they will be performed in a different order.

Give it a try!

Instructions: Click on the correct mole ratio from the choices on the right to complete the t-chart.


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