Class discussion is a sizable part of the learning experience and you will be graded based on your constructive participation. By that I mean comments and questions that advance the understanding of the issue at hand.  Students will be required to participate and interact with one another during the semester in the course discussion forums.

Your assigned readings will provide the basis for vibrant and well-informed discussions. Pre-reading of materials is essential. Insightful comments in the classroom are essential in this course. It is vitally important that you play an active role in the learning process. There are "4 Ps" related to effective class involvement:

Some of the things that influence a determination of effective class participation include:

You will be required to create at least one original reply to the discussion topic and respond to at least two of your classmates for each discussion. Early posting in the Discussion will ensure you receive replies from fellow students. The professor may or may not add additional postings.

In order to ensure a steady flow of conversation through each week you need to post your initial response by Sunday of each week.  This will allow ample opportunity for others to respond to your post and for you to respond to the posts of others. 

Your weekly discussions will be graded using the following grading rubric.

Discussion Forum Grading Rubric:






3 points

Created at least one original reply to the discussion topic of 3-4 paragraphs in length and included references, examples, and supporting discussion points. 


Outside sources, previous knowledge, and real life experience were used as needed. New & critical considerations of facts, concepts & theories were offered. Factual assertions were grounded in course material. Citations & references to these materials were provided.


Post was readable, logical, and free from spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors.  Did not use shorthand or acronyms (e.g., LOL).

Created at least one original reply to the discussion topic of with some of the length requirement. Included references, examples, and supporting discussion points. 


Minimal use of outside sources, previous knowledge, and real life experience. Some critical considerations of facts, concepts & theories were offered. Factual assertions were not grounded in course material. Some citations & references were provided.


Post was mostly readable, logical, and free from spelling, grammatical, shorthand and punctuation errors.

Had minimal to no preparation with initial discussion post.


Post largely focused on examples with no factual and supported information. Response lacked analysis or thoughtfulness (applied text or lecture teaching points or real life examples) and/or were not topical (related to the text and lectures).



Provided regular grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling errors.


Outside sources, citations, and/or references were not used at all.



2 points

Directly responded to the discussion prompt with substantial content by the stated due dates.


Initial responses were thoughtful and topical. The flow and direction of the discussion was greatly affected by these contributions.


Presence in discussion includes evidence of analysis and synthesis of content. This may have included direct quotes.

Did not respond directly to all questions or missed the due date.


Presence in discussion included minimal evidence of analysis and synthesis of content. The flow and direction of the discussion was minimally affected by these contributions.


Did not respond to the posted questions by the due date or at all.


Presence in discussion is off topic.

Does not add to the flow and direction of the discussion topic.


2 points


Note: Early posting in the discussion will ensure you receive replies from fellow students.

Responses began early (on or before Thursday) and were frequent.


Replied to initial questions, direct questions asked by other classmates, and any posted by the instructor within a timely manner.


Responses were near the deadline and were somewhat frequent.


Replied to initial questions, direct questions asked by other classmates, and/or any posted by the instructor within a timely manner.

All responses are made in one visit to the site. Deadlines not met.


Did not reply to initial questions, direct questions asked by other classmates, and/or any posted by the instructor within a timely manner.



3 points

Responded to at least two classmates in the discussion forum.


Engagement was consistent and relevant throughout the week (beginning, middle, and end).

There was interaction with multiple people and in multiple threads/activities.

Clearly acknowledged reading content/posts by classmates as evidenced by posing direct and through provoking questions to classmates. Responded to all questions with interaction among multiple students.

Responded to at least one classmate in the discussion forum.


Engagement and all responses were made in one visit to the site rather than over multiple days.

Joined and built onto the discussion. Struggled to actively show critical thinking based on posts by classmates or ask any questions of classmates.


Did not respond to all direct questions from classmates that were asked in a timely manner.

Did not post minimum required posts.

Little to no engagement with the indicated discussion prompt.


Reply posts lacked new and/or critical thinking with little to no factual and/or supported information. Reply posts were off topic.


Did not further the discussion by showing critical thought of and/or asking any questions on posts made by classmates.



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