Navigating Within Your Moodle Course

Once you enter your course you will see the course's Outline, which has been broken up into Weekly Modules. Each Module contains multiple Topics, or Resources, which is the main content of your course. Resources can consist of:

Typically your instructor will open one module per week, giving you access to the resources and assessments offered.



When you enter your course, you will see the open weeks that are available for you to view. To the right of the week is a count of items housed within that week's module. Click the title of the week (i.e. "Week Four") to view the content of that week.

Once in the week's module, you can view each open item for that week.

You can also easily navigate to the previous or next week by clicking the links to each week on the left or right of the current week, or by utilizing the dropdown menu at the bottom of the week.


Once you are in a course, we recommend using the Navigation tools that are built into Moodle. These are the Navigation Buttons, the Breadcrumb Trail, and the Navigation Block.

The Navigation Buttons, as seen towards the top and bottom of your screen, will allow you to easily navigate within a module. You may go to the next activity Next activity or the previous activity Previous activity within the module, or to the first First activity in module or last Last activity in module activity within the module. To return to the course outline, click the Home icon Back to Course.

The Breadcrumb Trail shows the pages you have passed through to get to your current location. It is shown in the upper left corner of the page. When you click on any of the items within the Breadcrumb Trail, you will be taken to that point in the Course. Note the example here:

Within this Breadcrumb Trail you can see you are currently in BIT 335, in Week Six, looking at Lecture "CRM: Why Sugar." To return to the course content page, simply click BIT 335. To return back to the home page, click Dashboard. You can always retrace your steps using the Breadcrumb Trail.

The Navigation block affords you the ability to move immediately within Moodle to a number of places.

  • Dashboard takes you to an overview of your current available courses.

  • Site home takes you to an overview of the Walsh College Site page.

  • Current course reflects the course you are currently logged into, and displays all available open weeks within the Navigation block. Also, please note the page of the course you're currently on is highlighted in bold for quick reference.

  • My Courses lists your current courses, and allows you to instantly switch from one course to another.

You can navigate directly to class information, such as your assignments, discussion boards, or quizzes by using the Activities Block, located on the left hand side of your page. This will bring up a list of all available activities (current and past), with a quicklink taking you directly to them. We will discuss this block, and others, in the next lecture. 


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