The Moodle Calendar

The Moodle Calendar Block will appear in the right hand column on your course's home page.

Additionally, if you are using the Moodle Mobile app, you will see each calendar event displayed regardless of the type.

(You will also see a link to the Walsh College Events Calendar listed beneath the calendar block, in the "Featured Event" block. Click the link to see the latest happenings and upcoming events at Walsh College)

By clicking the "Full Calendar" link below the Walsh Events Calendar box, you will be taken to a more detailed view of the calendar by month. Listed below is an explanation of the full month view. This will also bring up the site events. 

  • Site Event is a "global" event set by the Moodle admins that is visible in every course and on the calendar on the home page.
  • Course Event will be visible to participants within the course. As long as your instructor has set open and close dates for quizzes, and due dates for assignments, they will appear in the calendar. If assignments or quizzes are hidden from student view, they will not appear in the calendar. These will become visible once they are made visible in the course (you may need to refresh your browser). You will also see any other course calendar events your instructor has created.
    To create a personalized user event, please see instructions below.
  • Group Event, which would be created by the instructor provided they are using groups, will be visible to members of that particular group.
  • User Event will only be visible by you.

Once you click the "Full Calendar" link, you will be brought to a more detailed view of the month. In this view, you will be able to see/do the following:

  1. Move between various course calendars using the dropdown menu.

  2. Click to create a new calendar event (explained more below).

  3. Here you will see the current month, with links to the previous and next months.

  4. The black border date represents today's date.

  5. This highlighting denotes upcoming course, user, group, and global calendar events

Creating a New Calendar Event

To create a new user event for your calendar, begin by clicking "New event" in the upper right corner of the month view.

Give the event a title - this is required. You may also include a description, if you wish.

Finally, set the date and time of the event.

OPTIONAL: The 'Duration' settings allow you to set an appropriate time limit for the event, whether a specific date, or a certain amount of time. To expand and access this folder, click 'Duration.'

OPTIONAL: The 'Repeated events' folder allows you to repeat the event weekly to create a set number of events.

Once finished, make sure to save changes.

Once the changes have been saved, you will be shown a detailed view of the event. From this screen you can:

  1. Use the dropdown menu to return to a specific course calendar.

  2. Create another new calendar event for this course.

  3. See the event title and description (if entered).

  4. If set during the event's creation process, the duration is shown here. Otherwise, only the starting time of the event is listed.

  5. You may edit the event, or delete it.

  6. Clicking this link takes you back to the month-view of the calendar Please note: to return to a specific course's month view from here, use the dropdown menu (item #1 in this image).

Finally, verify your event is displaying properly by looking at the calendar block from your course home page. You can return to your course home page using the Navigation Pane.

Hovering your cursor over the event will display the event title. Clicking the event date will take you to a more detailed view of all the events listed for that day.

Click on the month title again to add another calendar event or to return to the month view.


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