Written Deliverables Rubric






A 100% - 90%
Points based on percentage of assignment value
This deliverable would make you stand out among your peers and would impress your supervisor and/ or client. This means your deliverable:
  • Correctly follows format and specifications according to the assignment's guidelines. It is professional looking.
  • Includes all the necessary content. Content is accurate, sufficient and appropriate.
  • Is well organized and information is logically presented. It is appropriate length and includes graphics (if necessary).
  • Fully handles each of the assignment's components
  • Addresses the topic and offers a professional analysis with necessary depth, research, criteria, and viewpoints
  • Exhibits a proper analysis of the intended audience. Uses appropriate strategy and tone.
  • Writing is clear, concise and accurate (including word choice and sentence structure). It is understandable and professional sounding.
  • Shows an excellent extent of solid research; current, supportive, credible information; Excellent APA citations throughout

-- Less points deducted for errors in grammar/mechanics

B 89% - 80%
Points based on percentage of assignment value
Your supervisor would be satisfied, but would most likely ask you to make revisions and submit again. Performance is on par with most students completing this course. This deliverable has a few grammatical, mechanical, and/or format errors. This means your deliverable:
  • Is acceptable; but would benefit from some revision
  • Partially follows format specifications and/or assignment requirements
  • Addresses the main topic or issue of the assignment, but not in appropriate/necessary depth
  • Needs more work in organization, strategy and/or tone (criteria defined)
  • Exhibits good writing, but it could be improved for better understanding - some sentences are confusing, poorly worded, and/or incorrect words are used
  • Indicates good depth of research. Resources are adequate, but needed more information. There are a few errors in APA citations. Seven from Walsh databases

-- Less points deducted for errors in grammar/mechanics

C 79% - 70%
Points based on percentage of assignment value
Performance needs attention. Your supervisor would recommend major revision, which would require more time & money spent on project. This deliverable contains several grammatical, mechanical, and/or format errors. It needs major editing. This means your deliverable:
  • Shows you needed to spend more time on organizing, composing, revising, and/or editing your writing before you handed it in
  • Lacks elements of appropriate sections, format specifications and/or assignment requirements
  • Only partially addresses the main topic or issue and only in a cursory way; lacks depth of research and sufficient facts
  • Needs better organization and clarity of thoughts in order to make for better understanding
  • Needs more work in content and level of research. Needs more sources that are credible. There a many errors in APA citations.
  • Has many errors in sentence structure and word choice; level of writing is insufficient for upper-undergraduate level

- Less points deducted for errors in grammar/mechanics

D 69% - 60%
Points based on percentage of assignment value
Performance is inferior. It would put you in serious jeopardy on the job. Your supervisor would probably counsel you on improving your performance. This document shows little understanding of the assignment; it needs a great deal of revision. Your deliverable:
  • Has noticeable format errors; is missing needed sections or is incomplete
  • Uses negative or inappropriate terminology, strategy or tone
  • Did not address or is missing some of the essential elements or requirements of the assignment
  • Shows very little solid research and/or ability to cite sources in appropriate APA format

-- Less points deducted for errors in grammar/mechanics

Points based on percentage of assignment value
This document does not show an understanding of the assignment. Your supervisor would probably terminate your employment. As a student, you will need to greatly improve the quality of your work or consider withdrawing from course.

-- Less points deducted for errors in grammar/mechanics


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